Nancy Darby, Founder and President
Born with a rescue heart, Nancy has been an avid animal lover and savior from as far back as she can remember. As a child of four years old, she brought home birds, chipmunks and cats that needed mending and attention. When Nancy got her first horse in 2014, she started to learn about the horse slaughter industry. That was all it took. Over the last eight years, she has helped save countless equines from shipping to slaughter facilities. She wanted to do more, and in 2021 Nancy founded Hattie Hills Horse Rescue, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to rescuing slaughter-bound equines, as well as those suffering from abuse, neglect and abandonment. Nancy is also a marketing compliance officer for Ares Management Corporation.
Lori Curley
Treasure and avid animal lover, Lori
Donna Cahill
Jennifer Price